- Guest lecturer for the "Systems and software engineering" course (spring 2016, Bachelor of Computer Science).
- Guest lecturer for the "Systems and software engineering" course (2IW60) (fall 2013, spring 2014/2015, Master of Automotive Technology (AT)).
- Project coach for "Cars in context" (4AT01) (winter 2013 and fall 2012, Master AT): R. Evens, E.R.G. Hoedemaekers, A. Mahendru, R.F.W. Segers, A.J.M. de Visser, J. Wisse (Master of Automotive Technology students, TU/e), "Project cars in context: E-truck top-down modeling", project report, January 16, 2013
- Project coach for "Cars in context" (4AT00) (winter 2012 and winter 2011, Master AT): T. Balyovski, H. Gijselhart, D. Gerrits, J. van Uden, J. van der Vleuten (Master of Automotive Technology students, TU/e), "Top-down design of a hybrid urban delivery truck", project report, January 20, 2012
- F. Razenberg, "Model based design, analysis and synthesis of servo controllers for lithoscanners" (ongoing Master graduation project with ASML)
- A.G. Dinu, "Visualizing Resource Utilization for Automotive Software", DAF internship report, 51050/13-101, May 2013.
- C. Gerpheide, "Developing a consistency-checking tool for automotive architectural models", SET seminar report, February 2013.
- H. Samir, "Automotive model transformation", Polytech Nantes internship report, August 2012.